Age spots are also known as sun spots, liver spots, or solar lentigines. They are small, flat, round spots on the skin that begin to appear later in life on sun-exposed areas. They are particularly common on the face, neck, arms, and backs of the hands, usually sparing the knuckles.
Age spots are thought to be caused by years of sun exposure. The sun damages the pigment-producing cells in the skin (melanocytes), causing them to over-produce pigment in sun-exposed areas. The age spots may increase in size over time and sometimes join together to create larger spots. They may also resemble freckles but are typically darker and have a more consistent color throughout.
Age Spot Removal and Treatment
Age spots are benign, meaning they do not cause harm. However, some people seek treatment because they dislike their appearance. There are several possible treatments for age spots. If you wish to remove a single age spot, our skilled Dermatology Providers may recommend a procedure that can be performed quickly in the office.
Additionally, medical bleaching agents such as hydroquinone can be applied to the skin to fade age spots. Although these will not remove the lesion completely, they can make it less visible. Our Dermatology Providers will recommend a treatment best suited to your specific medical needs and personal choices. Be sure to inform our team if lesions return after your age spot treatment.
Schedule an appointment at one of our Northeast Georgia locations to get examined or discuss your age spots.